Thursday, May 2, 2013

Poem of Red

I didn’t forget your sacrifice
My dear Lenin sahib
We the comrades salute you and your Bolshevik Party
With a bunch of red red rose….

We see the world is moving very fast
To achieve industrialization and urbanization
By crushing the heads of poor labour
And deprived farmer class

We are living in the world
Where poor, labour class people never get a space to live a life
The industrialist-led Government couldn’t hear them
Within the hazardous sounds of factory
They even fail to see the tears
Through the smog of industrial chimneys

The capitalist’s Government
Acquires land of poor
By showing police lathi and gun
When the starved innocent citizens protest
The police and officers’ boots crush them

They get arrested and jailed
Nobody goes for their bail
The jail officials torture them
By putting chilly in their vagina
While male agitators drink their own urine
And stay undressed
In the bone-chilling winter night

It’s the handiwork of a democracy
That is famous for its uniqueness

Dear Lenin Saheb
You again take birth here
In the sacred land of farmers
Whose every part of the nature tells

The tale of liberty, equality and brotherhood

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